Sunday, July 12, 2009

That gum you like is going to come back into style...

Twin Peaks was a real love of both Lib and mine for a long time, and it was one of those things we had in common to chat about when we were first getting to know each other. So it was wonderful to finally get to see some of the places it was filmed in over 20 years ago, and reminisce about the show and ourselves - time flies eh? It was an amazing program and was really for me the first "must see" television, and pretty much the only one until X-Files and Lost. Twin Peaks was a wonderful mix of nostalgia, horror, the wonderfully mysterious and the askew that came together in a brutal fashion in what I still consider to be the most powerful pieces of television footage ever shown ushered in by the "giant" and one of his mysterios clues coming true: "it is happening again", we won't spoil just *what* was happening again... I haven't linked to the full scene though as its a little *too* brutal... (you can always borrow our DVDs and experience it yourself!)

We saw the famous Snoqualmie Falls, the Great Northern Lodge (just above the falls), and the RR cafe which is in the town of North Bend... it all looks just like it did in the series, and is a great place to visit in person to boot.

The scenery in Washington is amazing, Lib has already mentioned just how dominant Rainier is, but also the surrounding areas and even Seattle itself is quite beautiful - this would be a great place to live if you didn't mind the fact that it rained for half the year... actually coming from Australia in drought that might not be such a bad experience either...

Leaving Seattle we passed into the beautiful Northern Cascades, huge moutainous chunks of rock piercing the sky, even now some parts still blanketed in snow... Lucy and Jammy were real troopers and marched their way all up a trail to the snow to make snowballs and snowmen... we had beautiful weather, glorious sun, a warm breeze, and freezing cold snow to slip and slide about on like a bunch of no-hopers...